How To Increase Online Sales

How many times have you thought “I need more sales!” and then set to work trying to increase traffic to your site? How many times have you looked at your site statistics and found that your conversion rate is non-existent when your traffic is so high? The...

Cake Prices Demystified!

I see a lot of new bakers asking about how to determine the best cake prices for their customers. If you’re thinking that you cannot make your cake prices as high as other professionals because you don’t have a bakery shop or a tv show you are making a...
Boost Conversions To 80%

Boost Conversions To 80%

While managing my own bakery, along with my wife, I noticed that we were getting plenty of requests for quotes, but we were not getting responses to the quotes we were sending out. In fact, our conversion rates were horrible. We couldn’t understand it. Our...